Songs |
Discography |
Filmography |
Soundtrack |
(With Thanks to Alex Gleason) |
Songs, Alphabetical listing :
(‘Life’s a Swindle’ - revue song)
(Car of Dreams 35)
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Climbing Up! (song of the mountain) (w.Eric Maschwitz)
(fr.King Solomon’s Mines 37)
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Close your Eyes (and wish for happiness) (w.Douglas Furber)
(fr. The Lucky Number 33)
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(Fiddlers Three 44)
(revue song 30)
(Ein Lied fur Dich 34)
(song 53)
(revue song 28)
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Have I told you?
(One, Two, Three 47)
L’Heure Bleu (Germ.w. Marcellus Schiffer)
Heute nacht oder nie! (Germ.w.Marcellus Schiffer)
Heute sieht die sonne so nacht Sonntag aus! (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert)
Hoa! Hoa! (wagon song) (w.Eric Maschwitz)
The Hour of Parting (Eng.w.Gus Kahn)
How can I tell you? (w.Eric Maschwitz)
Hymn of Freedom
I Can never look the Other Way (w.Frank Eyton)
Ich bin ein Vamp
Ich bin vom Rockefeller grad das Gegenteil (Germ.w.Max Kolpe)
Ich hab, ich bin, ich war (Germ.w.Marcellus Schiffer)
Ich Lieb dich von Herzent mit Scherzen (Germ.w.Paul Nichlaus)
Ich weiss, das ist nicht so (Germ.w.Marcellus Schiffer)
I’d like to put on record (that I love you) (w.David Arkell [Spoliansky?] )
If Every Wish came True
I Guess I’m not the Type (w.Robert Musel)
I know my History (w.Maxwell Munden)
I’m a Fool (about love) (w.Diana Morgan & Robert Hamer)
I’m an Optimist
I’m Lonely
In a Paradise for Two (w.William Kernell)
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Irela (w.Edward Knoblock)
(Evensong 34)
Is this the Beginning of Love? (w.Norman Newell)
(Melba 53)
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I Wait for You (w.Edward Knoblock)
(Evensong 34)
I Wish I Owned an Island (w.Jack Fishman & Edward Kassner)
Die Kartenhexe (Germ.w.Walter Mehring)
Killing Song (w.Arthur Wimperis)
Kiss me Good-Night (w.William Kernell)
Die Kleptomanen (Germ.w.Schiffer)
Lavender Song (Germ.w.Schwabach)
Leben ohne Liebe (kannst du nicht) (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert)
Let’s talk about you
Lied von der Chance (Germ.w.George Kaiser)
Das Lied vom Eselchen (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert)
Das Lila Lied
Little Pe-Pe
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Look at You! Look at Me! (w.Clifford Grey)
(Love at Second Sight 34)
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Love at First Sight (w.Clifford Grey)
(Love at Second Sight 34) |
Love brings a new Romance (w.William Kernell)
(Paradise for Two 38)
Love is Nothing New (Who’s Taking Liberty)
(revue 39)
Love Song (where you go my heart will follow) (w.Arthur Wimperis)
(Sanders of the River 35)
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Love was a Song
(song 35) |
Mackintosh’s Wedding (w.Barbara Gordon)
(Happy-go-Lovely 50)
Marching on for Freedom (w.Phil Park)
(The Man from Morocco 45)
Der Mensch muss eine Heimat haben (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert) (song) Mir ist so nacht dir (Germ.w.Marcellus Schiffer)
(Alles Schwindel 31)
Morphium (waltz)
(revue song 27)
Muss Man sich gliech Scheiden Lassen?
(revue song)
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My Song for You (w.Frank Eyton)
(My Song for You 34) |
Nie wieder liebe (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert)
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The Night belongs to Me (w.Norman Newell) |
An Old Serenade (w.Leslie Julian Jones)
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One, Two, Three!
(Happy go Lovely 51) |
Painting the Whole Town Red (w.Pamela Frankau)
Paris in Spring
Pour toi je veux rever (Fr.w.Henri Vantard & Marcel Cabridens)
Questa notte o Mai piu (It.w.Michele Galdieri)(Tell me Tonight 32) Red Hot Annabelle (w.Desmond Carter)
Rome, Sweet Rome (w.Diana Morgan)
Sag Ihm (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert)
Say a little Something to Me
Senorita Carmencita (w.Arthur Wimperis)
Show me the way to Love
Sneezing polka
The Song goes On
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Song of Capri (w.Norman Newell)
(That Dangerous Age 49) |
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Star O’er the Hill (w.Michael Hodges [Spoliansky?] )
(The Ghost Goes West 35) |
Tall as a Tree
Tell me Tonight (Eng.w.Frank Eyton)
Tempo! Tempo! (Germ.w.Marcellus Schiffer)
(Das Lied einer Nacht 32)
Theme without Words (w.Henry Cornelius)
Things I do (I’d do for You) (w.Frank Eyton)
Today is the Day to be Gay
Too Good to be True (w.Jack Fishman)
Trippel Trippel Trapp (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert)
Une Chanson pour toi (Fr.w.Henri Georges Clouzot)
Victoria Charleston (w.Beda)
Vielleicht wartet irgendwo ein kleines Madelchen auf mich
(Germ.w.Paul Nikolaus & Max Hansen) (revue song 28)
Vienna Once More
Viens (Fr.w.Henri Vantard, Leo Lelievre & Marcel DeLima)
Viva! Viva!
A Voice in the Night
Von der Ewigen
Waiting, Waiting
Wake Up, My Heart
Waltz Mad
Weck mich auch weck Marie (Germ.w.Paul Nichlaus)
Wenn die beste Freunden (Germ. w.Marcellus Schiffer)
What are you doing tonight?
What on Earth can be happening?
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What’s in a Name?
(Jeannie 41)
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When you hear Music (w.William Kernell)
(Paradise for Two 38) |
Where could she be?
Where Flamingos Fly (w.Jimmy Kennedy)
Where is the Spring?
The Whistler
Who are You?
Who’s Taking Liberty? (w.Pamela Frankau)
Wie lernt man Liebe (Germ.w.Robert Gilbert)
Wie werde ich (Reich und) glucklich (Germ. w.Felix Joachimson)
Wir Fahren immer hin und her (Germ.w.Margeurite Wolff)
Wir sind alle Lappenkrank
Wir wollen heim ins Reich
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With all my Heart (w.Frank Eyton) (My Song for You 34) |
The World is Beautiful Today
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Would You? Could You? (w.Jack Fishman) (Happy go Lovely 50) |
You and I
You don’t know me (I don’t know you)
You must have Love (w.Hubert Gregg)
You’re the Sweetest Thing (w.Hubert Gregg)
Yours be the song (dedicated to you)
Zwei Krawatten
Zwischen den Zeilen
(‘Between the Lines’)

Das Deutsche Volkslied Richard Tauber (tenor) acc.Spoliansky
Ach, wie ist’s moglich dann/Du du liegst Herzen
Der gute Kamarade/Jagerleben (Im wald und auf der Heide)
Das zerbrochene Ringlein (im einem kuhlen Grunde)/Lebewohl
(Morgen muss ich fort von hier)
Frohe Botschaff (kommt a Vogerl geflogen)/Burschenlust
(Der Mai ist gekommen)
In der Ferne (Nun leb’ wohl du kleine Gasse)/Treue Liebe
(Steh ich in finst’rer Mitternacht)
Heidenroslein (Sah ein Knab ein Roslein steh’n)/Der Jager Abschied
(wer hat dich du schoner Wald)
Ich kuss ihr Hand, Madame Weintraub’s Syncopaters (Spoliansky dance band)
Ich steh’ mit Ruth gut Weintraub’s Syncopaters (Spoliansky dance band)
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Idol of Paris / Dedication / Illusion Spoliansky (piano) & Queens Hall Light orch cond.Sidney Torch Columbia DX 1458 (78)
I Wait for You (Spoliansky on piano) Parlophone F 1999 (78)
Der Kalender (Friedrich Hollander) / Die kleine Adele (Leo Fall) Mady Christians (acc.Spoliansky-piano) Parlophone (German 78 unissued)
Killing Song (Spoliansky on piano) Parlophone F 2069 (78)
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My song for You / With all my Heart / Senorita Carmencita (Spoliansky on piano) Parlophone R 1998 (78) |
O Sanctissima Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone F 1955 (78)
Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin) Julian Fuh’s orch w.Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone E 10645 (German 78)
Senorita Carmencita Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone F 1998 (78)
Still (Silent) Night, Holy Night Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone F 1955 (78)
Tango Habañera Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone R 3098 (78)
Tell me Tonight Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone F 1999 (78)
Where Flamingos Fly Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone R 3098 (78)
Wie Werde ich Reich und Glucklich (pot-pourri pts.I&II) Spoliansky orch Electrola (HMV) EG 520 (German 78)
With all my Heart Spoliansky (piano) Parlophone F 1998 (78)

Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973) aka Gli ultimi 10 giorni di Hitler (Italy)
The Best House in London (1969)
The Battle of the Villa Fiorita (1965) aka Affair at the Villa Fiorita
Zwei Krawatten (1961) (TV)
North West Frontier (1959) aka Flame Over India (USA)
The Whole Truth (1958)
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Saint Joan (1957)
Viktoria und ihr Husar (1954) aka Victoria and Her Hussar (International: English title)
Duel in the Jungle (1954) Trouble in Store (1953)
Turn the Key Softly (1953) Treasure Hunt (1952)
Midnight Episode (1950) Into the Blue (1950) aka Man in the Dinghy (USA)
King Solomon's Mines (1950) (uncredited)
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The Happiest Days of Your Life (1950)
Golden Arrow (1949) aka The Gay Adventure (USA) aka Three Men and a Girl (UK)
Adam and Evelyne (1949) aka Adam and Evalyn (USA)
That Dangerous Age (1949) aka If This Be Sin (USA)
This Was a Woman (1948) Idol of Paris (1948)
Under the Frozen Falls (1948)
Temptation Harbour (1947) aka Temptation Harbor (USA)
Meet Me at Dawn (1947) aka The Gay Duellist
Dim'at Ha'Nehamah Ha'Gedolah (1947) aka The Great Promise
Wanted for Murder (1946) aka A Voice in the Night
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The Man from Morocco (1945)
Song of the People (1945)
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Don't Take It to Heart (1944)
Mr. Emmanuel (1944)
Secret Mission (1942) Jeannie (1941) aka Girl in Distress
Over the Moon (1939) (as Michael Spoliansky)
Paradise for Two (1937) aka Gaiety Girls (USA)
King Solomon's Mines (1937)
Forget Me Not (1936) aka Forever Yours (USA) aka Non ti scordar di me (USA: video title)
aka The Magic Voice (USA: reissue title)
The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1936) (as Michael Spolianski)
The Ghost Goes West (1935) (as Michael Spolianski)
Sanders of the River (1935) (as Michael Spolianski)
Car of Dreams (1935) (as M. Spolianski)
My Song for You (1934) aka A Song for You (USA)
Muß man sich gleich scheiden lassen (1933)
La chanson d'une nuit (1932) Das Lied einer Nacht (1932) aka The Song of Night
(International: English title)
Einmal möcht' ich keine Sorgen haben (1932) aka For Once I'd Like to Have No Troubles (USA)
The Lucky Number (1932) (as Mischa Spolianski) Der Schlemihl (1931) Calais-Douvres (1931)
Nie wieder Liebe (1931) aka No More Love Zwei Krawatten (1930) aka Two Neckties
(International: English title: informal literal title) aka Two Ties (International: English title: informal title)
Wie werde ich reich und glücklich? (1930) aka How Do I Become Rich and Happy? (International: English title) Paganini (1923)
Film Soundtrack Kissing Jessica Stein (2001) (writer: "When the Special Girlfriend") Katharina Knie (1964) (TV)
(music: "Auf der Mundharmonika")
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Trouble in Store (1953) (music: "I'd Like To Put On Record That I Love You") |
Melba (1953) (writer: "Is This the Beginning of Love?") ("Dreamtime") Stage Fright (1950)
(writer: "Love Is Lyrical (Whisper Sweet Little Nothing to Me)")
It Always Rains on Sunday (1947) ("Theme Without Words")
Wanted for Murder (1946) (music & lyrics: "A Voice in the Night")
Mr. Emmanuel (1944) (writer: "You Don't Know Me")
King Solomon's Mines (1937) (music: "Walk! Walk!", "Climbin' Up", "Kukuwana")
The Private Life of Don Juan (1934) (music: "The Don Juan Serenade" (1934))
Evensong (1934) (music: "I Wait For You") My Song for You (1934)
(music: "My Song For You", "With All My Heart") aka A Song for You (USA)
Tell Me Tonight (1932) (music: "Tell Me Tonight", "Non Stop", "Things I'd Do I'd Do For You") aka Be Mine Tonight (USA)
Das Lied einer Nacht (1932) (music: "Heute Nacht oder nie", "Tempo - Tempo") aka The Song of Night
(International: English title)
Einmal möcht' ich keine Sorgen haben (1932)
("Einmal moecht' ich keine Sorgen haben", "Ich bin vom Rockefeller gerad' das Gegenteil")
aka For Once I'd Like to Have No Troubles (USA)
Nie wieder Liebe (1931) (music: "Nie Wieder Liebe", "Leben ohne Liebe kannst
Du nicht", "Lang' ist es her") aka No More Love Studie Nr. 4 (1930) (music: "Auf Wiedersehen") aka Study No. 4 (USA)
Music Department
Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973) (conductor) aka Gli ultimi 10 giorni di Hitler (Italy) "The Third Man" (music advisor) (3 episodes, 1959) - Toys of the Dead (1959) TV episode (music advisor) - Barcelona Passage (1959) TV episode (music advisor) - One Kind Word (1959) TV episode (music advisor) Viktoria und ihr Husar (1954) (musical director) aka Victoria and Her Hussar (International: English title) Breach of Promise (1942) (composer: stock music) (uncredited) aka Adventure in Blackmail (USA)
21 Days (1940) (composer: stock music) (uncredited) aka 21 Days Together (USA)
aka The First and the Last aka Twenty-One Days aka Twenty-One Days Together (USA)
Q Planes (1939) (composer: stock music) (uncredited) aka Clouds Over Europe (USA)
Action for Slander (1937) (composer: stock music) (uncredited)
Tell Me Tonight (1932) (composer: songs "Non Stop", "Things I´d Do I´d Do for You") aka Be Mine Tonight (USA)
Einmal möcht' ich keine Sorgen haben (1932) (musical director) aka For Once I'd Like to Have No Troubles (USA)
Studie Nr. 4 (1930) (composer: song "Auf Wiedersehen") aka Study No. 4 (USA)

Original Soundtracks
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Saint Joan main title / Castle of Vaucouleurs / Road to Chinon / Basse dance / Siege of Orleans / march / toccatina / strength and loneliness / before the trial / voice of conscience / dream minuet / closing titles Capitol LCT 6134 (LP) Trip Around London (Adam and Evelyn) Rank FM 65 (78) / Citadel CTOF 1 (US LP tk re) Turn the Key |
Softly / Lost Dog (Johnny’s theme)
Rank FM 139 (78) Other Performances
Ambrose orch (voc Jack Cooper & Rhythm bros) Goodbye Trouble Decca F 5793 (GB 78) / 724 (US)
Ambrose orch (voc Sam Browne) Tell me Tonight HMV B 6260 (GB 78) / Victor 24279 (US 78)
Argentinian tango orch (Otto Dobrindt) L’heure bleu (Die Blaue Stunde) Beka 5607 (German 78)
BBC Dance Orchestra, cond; Henry Hall (vocals; Les Allen) Tell me Tonight Columbia CB 523 (78) Dajos Bela orchestra Heute nacht Parlophone R 1345 / Odeon O 11667 (German 78)
Tom Burke Tell me Tonight Broadcast12 3264 (78)
Max Bussy La Chanson d’une Nuit HMV K 6834 (Fr 78)
Alfredo Campoli Salon orch Friends once More Decca F 3564 (78) Alfredo Campoli Salon orch Tell me Tonight Decca F 3290 (78)
Alfredo Campoli Salon orch Serenade out of the Night Decca F 7037 (78) Comedian Harmonists Heute nacht HMV/Electrola EG 2606 (German 78)
Leon Cortez & his coster pals (voc.‘my muvver-in-law’) Tell me Tonight RegalZonophone MR 2197 (78)
Armand Crabbe Tell me Tonight Decca M 432 (78)
Charles Craig (tenor w.Michael Collins orch) Tell me Tonight HMV CLP 1573 (LP mon tk) / CSD 1446 (st)
Richard Crooks (acc Ray Noble orch) Tell me Tonight HMV DA 1284 (GB 78) / RCA Victor 1619 (US 78)
Harry Dawson (w.Frank Cordell orchestra) Song of Capri HMV B 9845 (78) DeGroot trio Tell me Tonight HMV B 4346 (78)
Es liegt in der Luft (medley) Marlene Dietrich, Kathe Lenz, Margo Lion, Hubert von Meyerinck, Willy Prager,
Otto Wallburg & Ida Wust Electrola EH 146 (German 78)
Marlene Dietrich & Margo Lion Wenn die beste Freudin Electrola EG 892 (German 78)
Marlene Dietrich Leben ohne Liebe kannst du nicht (fr. Nie wieder Liebe) Electrola EG 2265 (German 78) Durium dance band (voc.Webster Booth) Tell me Tonight SuperDurium M 4 (78)
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Patricia Ellis In a Paradise for Two / Kiss me Goodnight HMV BD 481 (78)
James Foran My Song for You / With All My Heart HMV B 8220 (78)
Barnabas von Geczy orch Heute Nacht oder nie Parlophone B 48210 (German 78)
Barnabas von Geczy orch L’Heure bleu (fr. Es liegt in der luft) Parlophone R 467 (GB 78) / B 12085 (Germ 78) Kalliope K 1161/ Gloria GO 13010 / Ariel 4462
Barnabas von Geczy orch Mir ist so nach Dir! (fr. Alles Schwindel) Parlophone B 48009 (German 78)
Geraldo & his Sweet Music My Song for You Columbia CB 783 (78)
Geraldo orchestra (voc Archie Lewis) Song of Capri Parlophone F 2377 (78) Benny Goodman orch (vocal Helen Forrest) My Song for You Columbia 36022 (US 78) John Hendrik Wake Up my Heart Parl R 3184 (78)
John Hendrick Song of Capri Parlophone R 3217 (78)
Jack Hulbert In a Paradise for Two / When You Hear Music HMV BD 494 (78)
Jack Hylton orch (voc Frank Titterton) Tell Me Tonight Decca F 3224 (78)
Oscar Joost & his orch Tell Me Tonight BroadcastInternational B 106 (78)
Jan Kiepura Tell Me Tonight Parlophone/Odeon RO 20201 (78) / GEP 8639 (EP) Jan Kiepura My Song for You / With all my Heart ParlophoneOdeon RO 20261 (78) / Parl GEP 8639 (EP)
Jan Kiepura Heute nacht oder Nie Odeon O 4706 (78) Tommy Kinsman band (voc Sam Browne) Tell me Tonight Sterno 1083 (78)
Tommy Kinsman band (voc The Three Ginx) Goodbye Trouble / Do a little Good to Someone Octacross 1193 (78)
Jack LaForge (piano & orch) Our Crazy Affair Stateside SS 444 (GB SP) / Regina 1327 (US SP) / AudoFidelity 2161 (US LP tk)
Mario Lanza (w.Ray Sinatra orch) Tell me Tonight HMV ALP 1405 (GB LP tk) / RCAVictor LM 1943 (US)
Lee Lawrence (w.Roland Shaw orch) Tell me Tonight Decca LF 1132 (LP tk)
Lee Lawrence (w.Stanley Black orchestra) Song of Capri Decca F 9198 (78)
London Film Symphony orchestra (cond. Muir Mathieson) Paradise for Two (selection) Columbia FB 1934 (78)
Londonderry Strings Battle of the Villa Fiorita Warner WB 5631 (US SP) Robert Manning My Song for You Panacord 25700 (78) Ray Martin orch Dream of Yesterday (I Remember When) Columbia DB 3150 (78) / 33S 1021 (LP tk)
Tony Martin Tell me Tonight RCA 47-3987 (US SP) Robert Merrill (acc.orch cond.Howard Barlow) Tell me Tonight Voce 112 (US LP tk)
Billy Merrin & his Commanders (voc Merrin) Tell me Tonight Panachord 25342 (78)
John Mills Goodbye Trouble Columbia FB 1118 (78) / World SH 217 (GB LP tk re)
Heddle Nash Tell me Tonight Columbia DB 979 (78) Robert Naylor Tell me Tonight Rex 8377 (78)
Cavan O’Connor My Song for You RegalZonophone MR 1441 (78)
Marcel Palotti (organ) My song for You Parlophone F 1034 (78)
Lou Preager orchestra (vocal Paul Rich) Song of Capri Columbia FB 3524 (78) Queens Hall Light orchestra (cond.Sidney Torch) Song of Capri Columbia DB 2564 (GB 78) / RL 3029 (US)
Billy Reid & London Piano-accordion band (voc. Sam Browne) Tell me Tonight RegalZonophone MR 735 (78)
Monte Rey Song of Capri Columbia DB 2570 (78)
Albert Sandler orch Tell me Tonight Columbia DB 984 (78)
Joseph Schmidt Heute nacht Parlophone R 1565 (78)
Peter Schreier (acc. Grosses Rundfunkork) Heute nacht Amiga 845059 (German 78)
Ernst Schutz (w.Gert Wilden orch) Tell me Tonight Telefunken (German 78)
Billy Scott-Coomber My Song for You Rex 8292 (78) Harry Secombe (w.Wally Stott orch) Tell me Tonight Philips BBL 7349 (LP mon tk) / SBBL 553(st) / BBE 12340 (EP tk)
Dorothy Squires & Billy Reid orch Dreams of Yesterday Parlophone R 2076 (78)
Cyril Stapleton orch Tell me Tonight Decca LK 4258 (LP mon tk) / SKL 4015 (st) Lew Stone band (voc.Joe Ferrie) My Song for You Decca F 5208 (78)
‘Lloyd Thomas’ (Frank Titterton) Tell Me Tonight Eclipse 335 (78)
Frank Titterton Tell Me Tonight Decca F 3190 (78)
Tino Valeria Kunstlerkapelle Kitty Vox 01523 (German 78) Arthur Tracy My Song For You Decca F 5187 (78)
Rupert Vayne (organ) Tell me Tonight Decca F 3339 (78)
Vox Tanzorchester Edmee (waltz) Vox 01158 (German 78) Vox Tanzorchester Morphium (waltz) Vox 01022 (German 78) Anton Walbrook (acc. Philip Green orch) Dream of Yesterday (I Remember When) Parlophone R 3583 (78) Marek Weber orchestra Zwei Krawatten (medley) Electrola (HMV) EG 1532 (German 78)
David Whitfield (w.Paul Conrad orch) Tell me Tonight Decca DFE 6548 (EP tk) / LK 4270 (mon LP tk)/SKL 4026 (st)
/ AceofClubs ACL 1192 (LP re) Maurice Winnick & his Sweet Music (band) (vocal. Al Bowlly) Kiss me Goodnight Decca F 6591 (78)
Norman Wisdom I’d Like to put on Record Rank FM 143 (78)
Norman Wisdom (& Wally Stott orch) I’d Like to put on Record Philips PB 223 (78) / Wing WL 1216 (LP)
Fritz Wunderlich (w.Graunke Symphony orch cond. Hans Carste) Heute nacht Tell me Tonight Polydor 238 101 (German 78)
Victor Young & his Brunswick orchestra(vocal; Dick Robertson) The Hour of Parting Brunswick 6166 (US 78)
Jan Zalinski (acc Fred Hartley orch) Tell me Tonight Regal MR 729 (78)
Library Music
Barcaroletta Harmonic HMP 274
Cathedral of Glass Harmonic CBL 441
Daydreaming Harmonic CBL 321
First Lady Harmonic CBL 455
Forever Love Harmonic CBL 348
Glory Triumphant Harmonic CBL 417
Goofy Golly Harmonic HMP 273
Holiday DeLuxe Harmonic CBL 432
Jubilee Suite Harmonic CBL 1005/6
Made in Japan Harmonic CBL 466
Man and the Elements Harmonic CBL 426
Melody for Two Chappell C 329
Panoramic View Harmonic CBL 448
Romantic Illusions Harmonic CBL 337
Stars over Baghdad Harmonic CBL 466
Stop Press Chappell C 329